GameLore Wiki

Arcadian avengers populate the grand legions of Arcadia, providing the force necessary to protect the utopian plane. Although they have humanoid features, Arcadian avengers spring forth from the pure forces of law, and as such their outlook and thoughts are as alien to the mortal races as are those of demons and devils. Arcadian avengers see all situations as a series of applied rules, and are free of hesitation, doubt, and remorse. Because of this, they come into confiict even with good creatures that have broken rules or laws.

Arcadian avengers all stand 5 feet 8 inches tall and weigh 125 pounds, resembling attractive, athletic female humans with full wings. Their flesh, wings, and armor seem made of the same silvery metal. Arcadian avengers are similar to one another in appearance

Arcadian avengers approach combat as a systematic series of calculations, constantly assessing the most logical means of attack. They weigh each foe’s ability to harm them and balance that against their ability to take that foe down quickly. This usually means that Arcadian avengers focus first on spellcasters and other nonmelee types, attempting to nullify these powerful figures before they can unleash their magic.
