The Chatilians are humanoid aliens from the planet Chatil in the Fomalhaut star system. They are frail, delicate looking, greenish blue beings with thin bodies and large, bullet shaped heads. The skull is crowned with sensory nodes which allows these strange beings to wield psychic powers. Chatilians are herbivores. They have no real mouth, rather they possess facial slits through which they strain their food intake.
The Chatilian Empaths communicate among themselves telepathically and have great difficulty learning to speak aloud. Although Empaths are innocuous looking, they are actually among the more dangerous and formidable opponents in the galaxies. Through the evolutionary process, they have developed psycho-kinetic power which allows them to harness and transmit psychic energy. This unusual ability is called generating. Chatilian special powers are some of the most potent in the game. Their energy matrices are multi-faceted, allowing them to react differently to a variety of situations. Empaths employ psychic, illusionary, and sonic attack forms. High level Chatilians can actually crush the minds of their enemies. An empath also has the innate ability to read the minds of any unprotected sentient in close proximity to his person. He must focus his attention on one person only.
Young Chatilians with sufficient power and ability are sent off to be raised in a cloisetered hall, where they can hone their skills and learn to ignore the psychic 'voices' around them. One a Chatilian has learned to block out the distracting mental chatter of those around them, they no longer need to isolate themselves from large crowds. Chatilians tend to have large egos, particularly when they have mastered many psychic talents.