GameLore Wiki

A coure is a sprightly creature that appears as a tiny, slender elf clad in bright apparel with unruly, glistening hair and long, gossamer wings that trail from its shoulders. They are about 2 feet tall.

The smallest of the eladrins, the spritelike coures embody carefree wandering, celebrating life as a joyous dance. They often serve more powerful beings as messengers and scouts, provided those they serve can tolerate their erratic humor and near endless pranks. Coures exist to laugh. They prefer a star-filled night in the open to any other time or place, preferring to reveal their pranks and dance only in their own faerie light.

Coure eladrins appear in a variety of improbable colors and are fond of wearing bright apparel of questionable taste. A coure can also assume the shape of an incorporeal ball of light at will.

