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The coyotle, a cunning and proud folk, are nomadic wanderers of the Howling Plains and nimble hunters who only kill what is necessary to survive. A coyotle wastes nothing, be it meat from a kill or a word when they speak.

Of all the mortal races, the coyotle have the strongest connection with the world beyond physical existence. The "dreamhunters" are the spirits of long-dead coyotle wise ones who travel with the various tribes, giving counsel and helping bridge the world of the physical and the ethereal. Because of this, coyotle have no real concept of death, other than as a brief transition from one kind of dream to another.

Coyotle are skilled pack hunters, though they only kill for sustenance, never for sport. They can defend themselves when threatened, but prefer to stealth away from a fight if possible. When pressed, their shaman can summon the spirits of beasts to fight for them.

The coyotle have a keen interest in the stars, and have meticulously mapped the skies into patterns, similar to the Zodiac. They want to know how their world fits into the larger universe, and rumors exist amongst the other mortal races that the coyotle know where Hex came from and what its ultimate purpose might be.

Because the coyotle believe all things that happen in the universe occurs at the same time, they have no interest in recorded history. They pass some oral legends between generations, and the ghosts of ancestors from the “tranquil dream” will often tell stories of events that occurred when they existed in the “living dream”.

The coyotle are amongst the most peaceful of the surface races, and have always had an affable relationship with their human and elf neighbors. They have had only minimal interaction with orcs, though the coyotle do admire their devotion.

The shin'hare used to live on the surface, along the southern edge of the continent, just below the Howling Plains. They would make relentless attacks on the coyotle, attempting to enslave them. The shin’hare were also desperate to learn the secrets of how the coyotle controlled weather.

One thousand years ago, the elves joined with the humans to drive the shin’hare underground. Of course, this decision turned out to be a mistake, as the bloodthirsty rabbits were eventually recruited by the necrotic for the devastating Underworld Incursion.

When the humans offered an alliance, the coyotle had no choice but to accept, and so they became an essential member of the Ardent coalition.

"Today you are born, you live, and you die, as you did yesterday, and will tomorrow. Everything that has ever happened is happening in this moment. And as everything happens, the spirits of all worlds watch, and nod knowingly." -Sight of the Sun, a coyotle shaman

The coyotle believe their ancestors can coalesce into the form of animal spirits.

The coyotle are masters of camouflage, which most of their enemies learn when it is far too late.

Coyotle can use smoke signals to transmit a message from one end of the Howling Plains to the other in just a few hours.

Because the coyotle believe all things that happen in the universe occur at the same time, they have little interest in recorded history.

When angered, some coyotles regress to their bestial ancestry (Snarling Brave)

Coyotle Warlock, Female Coyotle Mage, Howling Brave, Survival of the Fittest (Hex)
