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The Crash

10 years ago a gigantic space obelisk thing crashed on Eden, in the middle of the mutant wastelands. The resulting shock created a gigantic crater 10 kilometers deep and 20 kilometers wide, we call it the Cradle. When it crashed on the planet, the massive object created a psionic shockwave that affected the nearby mutants first of all, but the entire ecosystem of the region too. Crystals in the region are not only bigger but more potent.

The elves were directly affected by the crash too. Their psychic connection to the planet developed tenfold, giving them created psionic abilities. It seems the stronger the link to the planet the greater madness accompanying it on the other hand. Some elves went mad with power or just plain mad.

The most important thing that the Psypher actually brought us was new resident on the planet, the ethereals. Being made primarily of pure energy they have a unique connection with their environment. Although they were completely intangible when they crashed here it seems that's as time goes by they become physical now. They can no longer pass through matter and only a few of them still float, instead, limbs have started appearing on their ‘’body’’.

They still do not communicate via talking but by telepathy, which helps tremendously understanding them and probably made so they were not hunted to death.

They have no memories of their existence before awakening on the planet. They don’t know what the obelisk is except that is called the Psypher. They came on it, or in it, they have a hard time explaining it; but they are strangely repulsed by it. They refuse to go to it, and quickly moved away from the Cradle following the days they were discovered.

Some theorise that they were inside the Psypher and traveled from another planet on it, others think they were created by the collision of the obelisk with the planet’s crystals. There is no clear explanation at this time.

Ethereal morphology and psionic capacities

Like previously mentioned they used to be made of pure energy when they ‘’arrived’’ but they quickly began physically forming. Most of ethereals now have morphology close to that of a humanoid: 2 arms, 2 legs, a rather large chest and a long and sharp head. They still arbor that psionic/energy aura surrounding them and some even have it connect their limbs instead of ‘’normal’’ joints.

They still did not seem to develop mouths but communicate via a very advanced telepathy with which they communicate words but also sounds and even crystal clear images. They are extremely quick learners, like a whole race of information-hungry children.

Most of them develop a certain degree of energy and psychic manipulation. The most powerful ethereals can project pure energy out of their body to move things and even hurt other beings. While it is still weak some have developed a talent of manipulating the minds of lesser beings recently, it is still being studied at this time.

The center of their chest, a sort of gem or crystal unlike everything that forms on this planet, seem to be the center of their being. It is sturdy enough to endure a moderate amount of force but if fractured it renders the ethereal completely mad. No cores have been successfully repaired yet and the subject usually perishes not long after the fracture of it’s heart. If completely broken, the ethereal dies, the energy completely leaving its body.

There are no concepts of gender or social order between ethereals but they seem to understand and be able to apply our society’s way of being without disturbing it.


It is somewhat paradoxical how ethereals split between the two factions for reasons that can be considered contrary to common sense.

The Evolved ethereals joined it to try and return to their purest form. They search endlessly for a way to become pure energy again and while they have only achieved to vaporize out of existence a few subjects, they still are tireless in their quest for purity.

Natural ethereals actually welcome the evolution they are experiencing. With physical bodies came new sensations to them like pain but also pleasure. They are learning to harness the full potential of their adaptation and while fewer research is made on their condition than in the evolved camp, they seem to instinctively know and understand what is happening to them.

Other races have different ways of seeing those ‘’aliens’’:

  • Humans see them for their potential in natural evolution.
  • Cyborgs understand they could be powerful weapons against humans.
  • Elves see them as a perversion of the planet’s will.
  • Dwarves are mesmerized by their connection to the crystals.
  • Mutants are split generationally seeing them either as allies or invaders.
  • K9s don’t seem to have an opinion about them, typical.