GameLore Wiki

Illustrations by Gonzalo Ordóñez Arias[]

Abbie Whizzleblade, Ahkara, Alexandra, the Unbreakable, Amaterasu (Myth Pantheons), Anubis (MyL Im), Aphrodite Acidalia, Ares Miaiphonos, Athena (MyL Im), Azriel, the Angel of Wrath, Blood Knight Adrenna, Captured Jormungar, Carmilla, Princess of Darkness, Cecaelia (MyL), Celesta (banner), Conqueror Nairi, Deathstalker Leanna, Defias Cleaner, Elmira Moonsurge, Erindae Firestrider, Eris (MyL), Everfrost Phoenix (lvl3), Frigga (MyL), Ganesha (Myth Pantheons), Great Kraken (MyL), Guan Yin (Myth Pantheons), Hades (MyL Im), Hela Lokison, Helios (MyL Furia), Hida Fosuko, Iris (MyL Dom), Isis (MyL DR), Iuchi Xiong, Izanagi and Izanami (MyL), Kaerie, Defender of the Sunwell, Karina of Silvermoon, Keira, the Dread Knight, Kelsa Wildfire, Loraala the Frigid, Lotus Ravenmoore, Mayli, Princess of Summer, Medusa (MyL Furia), Medusa (MyL Inv), Morrigan (Myth Pantheons), Moshi Takako, Naisha, Nethermaven Donna Chastain, Nike (MyL), Quetzalcoatl (Myth Pantheons), Ra (MyL Im), Roc (MyL)... further results
