GameLore Wiki

Though most find despair at the bottom of society, others have found hidden power. The Lurkers in the Edge recognize that society must have a lowly base, and they are it. Bur if society's base shifts, the pillar of society will fall, so the Lurkers have influence in maintaining the status quo. They extend their will to the upper levels of society through a dangerous game of threats and possibilities.

Active at night and preferring obscurity, the Lurkers rarely interact with the surface world, or so it seems. In fact, they have mastered the tactics of stealth, misdirection, and guile. Their numbers unknown, their powers underestimated, the Lurkers are a force that most recognize only too late. Their greatest weakness is the distance between them and the city they plan to control.

Flux and Formless lead the Lurkers, working through the Edge's sewers, coming out mostly at night.
