GameLore Wiki

This article is about a goblin-like race. For other uses, see Moga (disambiguation).

Moga mothers typically die during childbirth leaving their pups to be fostered by the tribal midwife.

The Totem of the Muses had been hand-carved with exceptional skill. The Moga built it, in honor of their muses Leb and Fen. Until it was built, no one knew of the Moga's ingenuity or their religion.

"The name hooligan is a badge of honor amongst the %&@!*@# dirtballs." - General Korsien report excerpt

Interesting fact - Boomsticks, better known as mining explosives, are one of the three main exports of Moga tribes. The other two are dried meats of dubious origin and weird rocks.

Moga have a lopsided sense of risk versus reward.

In larger tribes, it is difficult to gather every Moga to one spot. The recruiters remedied this problem.

The Moga had gained an affinity for magic, but still lacked a true understanding of its intricacies. Many of their spells ended with unintended consequences. This affinity would often lead to a violent end.

A few of the Moga Assault Teams that work well together (meaning they don't get killed or kill each other) become part of the elite Team 6. No one knows where the name came from since moga are incapable of counting past the number 2.

The Moga were trained to steal Nora from the Nora reserves of any nation. They became incredibly skilled at doing it. Bringing the Nora back was the one complication they never overcame.

"The Moga, in particular, seem to hold that the skulls of fallen warriors have certain magical powers." - Religious Practices of the Shattered Peaks, pg. 374

Moga Assault Team, Moga Den, Moga Lord's Guard, Moga Recruiter, Moga Sapper, Moga Scout, Moga Trailblazer, Moga Zealot
