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Sluagh are a fae race, noted for their secrecy. They appear as thin humanoids, almost fluid in their movements. Their pale skin is clammy, and they can only speak in whispers. They can escape from any bondage, and can wriggle through openings that seem far too small to fit through.

Sluagh prefer crumbling Victorian mansions to dank sewers. Places dark and forgotten, often with a mushroom garden, attract them. Those who intrude into their inner sanctums often leave with nightmares. Just as they value secrets and mysteries, sluagh treasure their privacy, and do a great deal to foster reputations that discourage visitors.

Whether they live in parlors or crawlspaces, sluagh are unsettlingly polite and have a great love of formality. The underfolk collect information and secrets, and barter their knowledge to interested parties. Revelation is joy; the more unsettling the revelation, the greater the joy. Secrets are but one commodity to them, though. Broken toys, strange knickknacks and anything resonant with nostalgia makes for an excellent item for trade. Outsiders are mystified by the value sluagh place on these items, but then again, perversity is the sluagh's trademark.

Despite their preference for quiet, adventurous sluagh do visit the surface cultivate friendships and enter oathbonds with outsiders. They will go out of their way to aid or protect an outsider who has shown them respect and friendship. These good deeds are frequently misinterpreted by other suspicious changelings, so such relationships are often brief. Still, even sluagh who find a clique they can trust need to have a secret place to which they can retreat.
