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A tale of Nala Part of Elara's Journal

Kavel roamed humanity, insinuating his dark will into every being he touched. All he needed was a whisper of dissent – one disappointed sigh – and he could orchestrate an anarchic opera loud enough to deafen titans. Over the centuries, he grew seeds of dissent into a festering forest.

Gathering together all of the hatred and resentment he had so painstakingly nurtured amongst the people, he forged a fearsome weapon powerful enough to destroy Ael. The blade was as sharp as Kavel himself, and so steeped in shadow, it brought anguish upon all those unfortunate enough to feel its aura. It was the pride of Kavel’s creations, and he named it Skybane.

In nightmares, I’ve seen myself among the Faithguard the day that Kavel enacted his dark plans. Such fear must have gripped their hearts when they looked upon Kavel striding through Valaen, cloaked in darkness and eyes crimson in the blood-red gleam of Skybane. Just the thought of it freezes my heart. Being there – with the clamor of war pounding in my ears, staring into certain oblivion – would be too much to bear.

Too much even for Ael, perhaps. It is said that at that moment of confrontation, Ael stood still as stone when Kavel thrust the blade. Even with Skybane burning in his eyes, Ael refused to believe that his beloved creation could betray him.

No longer are any of us so naïve.

It is fortunate that Ael’s power was greater than Kavel could have anticipated. May humanity never again need to be so grateful for hubris! With an explosion of radiant light, Ael shattered Skybane and forced Kavel from his realm.

Yet, weakened as he was, he could only watch in despair as the shards of Skybane rained down upon Nala. The fiery fragments split the earth and corrupted the land. Their dark influence seeped into the soil like blood from an open wound.

Ael looked once more at what he had created, the mirror of his own bloodied soul, and turned away.
