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The realm of the Dragon Queen appears as a jagged, crown-shaped mountain redoubt. Five watchtowers, each carved to resemble the head and neck of a watchful dragon, curve up and out from the main structure. Because the fortress’s primary entrance is through its roof, it is accessible only to flying creatures, such as the abishai and the fiendish dragons that populate Tiamat’s realm. The secondary entrance is a cave in the sheer rock wall abutting the Maggot Pit.

Like Baator’s other divine realms, the fortress appears finite from the outside but nearly infinite from within. Its upper floors resemble a sumptuously appointed royal castle, scaled to accomodate a dragon of Colossal size. Beneath it are trackless miles of winding corridors and treasure caverns, and every coin in the fortress is guarded by a jealous fiendish dragon.

Nondragon worshipers of Tiamat incarnate in her realm as wriggling soul forms upon death. Those she deems especially worthy become white abishai after a token interval of unspeakable torment. The rest she sells to eager devilish buyers in exchange for gold and gems. Even so, Tiamat has far more abishai than she needs, so she permanently indentures platoons of them to various archdevils in return for cash payments. She has also sold the archdevils the secrets of abishai physiology so that they can promote those who work for them according to their merit. Tiamat’s avaricious disinterest in her devilish spawn reinforces both their servile need to please her and the arrogant bluster they display toward the rest of Hell’s minions as a compensation mechanism for their lowly status.
